Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Stay Awake!


Stay Awake!

Wakeful to Deep Things (An Advent Meditation)

Nov 27, 2008

Saying For Today: Christ's Return is a matter of spiritual awareness, of consciousness. If Christ, in some sense, does not return in consciousness, then, how shall Christ return? After all, shall I see Christ outside me, if I see not Christ within me?

How fitting, then, that meditation and contemplative practice is essential to teachings on spiritual wakefulness. Possibly, the failure to engage in consciousness practice is a reason for widespread "sleepiness" in Western Christianity. Possibly, many of us are afraid to stay awake. Possibly, our very consciousness, or heart, must be trained to stay awake spiritually, we are so dulled by the drab realities of utilitarian-rationalistic materialism - even in our churches. So, determine to "Stay awake!," even if many around you are hap-pily asleep and think you weird and dissident for be spiritually alert - and for engaging in the means to keep yourself awake in Love, Who is Christ.

Here in the West, we have become immunized or inoculated against the deep things of God, living our Christian lives on a superficial plane of churchiness and religiosity.

*R. C. Sproul. "Ecclesiastical Myopia." Tabletalk. Cited at www.christianity.com .

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"Immunized and inoculated against the deep things of God" - How interesting to come from the pen of a conservative, biblicist clergyperson. "Living our Christian lives on a superficial plane of churchiness and religiosity" - Could such be true?

One reason for this is the anti-mystical bias generated by the very tradition Sproul represents - Protestants. My tradition. Protestants retreated from Mystery, the Ineffable, the Godhead, and began hiding within the print of the Bible, in many cases having made Scripture an idolatrous refuge from the mystery of the living Word, rather than one among many openings to Divine Wisdom within the faith. No, we did not now have Aarons' golden calf; we erected the Protestant rationalists' infallible script.

So, yes, Sproul is right. We, in the Western churches, are so far from the "deep things," the mystery, we do not even know we have lost it - or, mostly, never had it. Yet, is not the immunization and inoculation due largely to the doctrinal and ecclesiastical rationalism ruling many of the church denominations? And, when the rational is not on the throne spouting out orders to our mostly unfunctioning brains - most of which we never use -, and shutting down the Spirit, Who is the Mind of the Universe, is not the practical championed as the way to ecclesial salvation, but a practical easily lost to the wellsprings of Spirit? And, is this not the Spirit meant to spill over and transport us, so we "see" all things with the "seeing" of Love?

For most of us most of the time, the world of everyday experience seems rather dim and drab. But for a few people often, and for a fair number occasionally, some of the brightness of visionary experience spills over, as it were, into common seeing, and the universe is transfigured.

*Aldous Huxley. Heaven and Hell.

But, where is this world "transfigured"? Within you and me. Within immediacy of consciousness. Is not this a new "heaven and earth," the one "seen" with new "eyes," a new "heart"? Is this not as great, or greater, a work than a material transfiguration of all matter? And, is not matter itself the form of consciousness, or energy, manifesting in one of a potentially infinite variations - for God is Infinity Itself?

Ironically, the First Sunday of Advent gives Scripture readings pertaining to the so-called "Second Coming of Christ." Truly, we know little to nothing on such matters. The very divergence on such, across time and Christian thinkers, only needs to heighten our awareness that none of us can have the "right view" of End Times.

So, what about this End Time teaching? Well, possibly, it says to us the End Time, as all time, is in every now. We know time is relative, absolutely unreal except in our trimmed down consciousness. Take off the "survival valve" and consciousness potentially expands to Eternity - the Beatific Vision. Such is simply basic ABC science.

Possibly, Christ is seeking to return to us always - is returning, whether we "see" or not. The question is not principally will I be ready for a Second Coming, but am I receiving Christ today, every day.

Christ's Return is a matter of spiritual awareness, of consciousness. If Christ, in some sense, does not return in consciousness, then, how shall Christ return? After all, shall I "see" Christ outside me, if I "see" not Christ within me? Yet, if the Word returns within me, then, I shall "see" the Word all about me. Now, that is much more interesting to me than all the conflictual guessing and science fictional theories about a Second Coming, at the end of time, a time which is, literally, timeless anyway.

The timelessness of spiritual Reality is evident in Scripture and Christian rite, in wording that does not differentiate between the past tradition and the present living fellowship.

You formed us in your image
and breathed into us the breath of life

When we turned away, and our love failed,
your love remained steadfast.

You delivered us from captivity,
made covenant to be our sovereign God,
and spoke to us through your prophets.

Then, note the saying in Matthew, regarding the "Second Coming" -

So also, when you see these things taking place, you know that he is near, at the very gates. Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all these things have taken place.

*(Mark 13.29-30, NRSV).

Possibly, the "generation" refers to every generation. After all, we are still here. There are things to happen in every era to call us to invite Love into our lives and hearts, and communities.

Let us pray for deeply living in the Spirit. We become what we give our attention to. Let us, then, wisely give attention to Divine Love. To "see" Christ is to become Christ. This is a Coming of Christ.

How fitting, then, that the Gospel reading for this Sunday ends with two words: "Keep awake" (NRSV). In spiritual wakefulness we "see" Christ coming - and this "seeing" can occur in many ways, some very surprising and unconventional - , and Christ "sees" us in the same "seeing" - for "seeing" is nothing other, though in many ways given, than a mutual Indwelling of Love. Loving is "seeing," as "seeing" is Loving.

How fitting, then, that meditation and contemplative practice is essential to teachings on spiritual wakefulness. Possibly, the failure to engage in consciousness practice is a reason for widespread "sleepiness" in Western Christianity. Possibly, many of us are afraid to stay awake. Possibly, our very consciousness, or heart, must be trained to stay awake spiritually, we are so dulled by the drab realities of utilitarian-rationalistic materialism - even in our churches. So, determine to "Stay awake!," even if many around you are happily asleep and think you weird and dissident for be spiritually alert - and for engaging in the means to keep yourself awake in Love, Who is Christ.

O guiding night!
O night more lovely than the dawn!
O night that has united
The Lover with His beloved,
Transforming the beloved in her Lover.

Upon my flowering breast
Which I kept for Him alone,
There He lay sleeping,
And I caressing Him
There in a breeze from the fanning cedars.

*St. John of the Cross

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*The quote from St. John of the Cross is from The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross. Trans. K. Kavanaugh and O. Rodriguez.

*Charitable contributions would be appreciated to assist Brian in continuing his ministry. For contributions, contact Brian at barukhattah@embarqmail.com .

*Brian's book of spiritual love poetry, An Ache for Union: Oneness with God through Love, can be ordered through major booksellers or the Cokesbury on-line store, cokesbury.com .

*Brian K. Wilcox, a United Methodist Pastor, lives in Southwest Florida. He is a vowed member of Greenbough House of Prayer, a contemplative Christian community in South Georgia. He lives a contemplative life and seeks to inspire others to enjoy a more intimate relationship with Christ. Brian advocates for a spiritually-focused, experiential Christianity and renewal of the Church through addressing the deeper spiritual needs and longings of persons.


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Stay Awake!

©Brian Wilcox 2025